
By WhiskyFoxtrot

It's Not Unusual

I have done very little today and I've enjoyed it all.

Spent the morning in my bathrobe, like a good Dudeist, and then rode my bike into town to meet my friend of weekend scruffy wonderfulness. We had a great chat and this little family came to sit next to us. The little girl, all of nine months old, had a smile that could light up the world. I haven't fully captured it here but she is in mid-flight so that's something.

After bidding my friend au revoir, I headed over to The Social Bite, the subject of Saturday's blip, to have and to buy a suspended coffee. There was a fellow in the queue in front of me who turned out to be a friend who heard about the café through my blip and had come to do the same thing. Happy coincidence!

Yesterday a couple of blippers found it amusing that I noticed the Castle so took a photo of it. It's funny - I've lived in Edinburgh for 14 years now and I don't take the abundant beauty of the landscape or architecture for granted but I suppose I have gotten used to the idea that I live in a town with a castle on a hill. One of the aspects of the city I always marvel at is that I can take a route in or out of the city centre via an extinct volcano. Here's an inadequate photo of my route home today.

Following on from yesterday's amusing post script, today I give you Tom Jones in his youthful glory singing a song that we used for our first dance at our wedding. My mum used to watch his tv show when I was little and would remark upon his trousers and hips, remarks that went straight over my head. I get it now... :-)

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