Buxton Museum

I've been working on the photographs taken during our visit to the museum in Buxton. I mentioned on that day how wonderful I though the stained glass and took as many photos as I could, despite the views being less than ideal at times. Fortunately it was not too busy and, surprisingly, no-one questioned my activities, even when I closed the 'owl' door for better light.

Main photo: left and centre - panels in the entrance, the peacock being paired with the other door, the narrow panel repeated twice on either side; right - an internal door and fanlight - is it an owl or a cat?

Extra 1: in a library, again window patterns repeated.

Extra 2: top left - a different fanlight, below - one of a series of six (and two narrower) repeats above a glazed office/reception window, right - this in one of the toilets.

There may well be others but we did not explore the entire building as we intended only to see the Blue John exhibit, which is a pity as it appears to be full of interesting displays.

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