
By FlyingPRGal

Tomatoes and Friends

Perked up a mundane afternoon of emails and zoom calls by nipping down the airfield to see my friend S on ATC.

Bumped into another pilot friend who was flying the “jump ship” (parachute plane) and had a quick natter. He seemed very pleased to see me which reminded me to visit the airfield more often.

Lovely H had a big tub of tomatoes from her college greenhouses and offered me some. The smell was gorgeous so I hope they’re tasty.

Rushed back home for a zoom call then back out again for impromptu dinner and drinks in The Flying Horse with S and H. We giggled at the out of tune live singer and had a good catch up. H lost her mum a few weeks ago but seemed in good spirits.

S and H have been great friends to me over recent months and I feel grateful for their friendship.

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