Living the life

Not the best photo, but I decided to use it as the main one because they looked so relaxed, really enjoying the lovely morning, and because I liked the colours of them echoed in the colours at the end of the dock. 
A few others from my walk in the extras:
The paddler: he and the two in the main were part of a group of several kayakers, likely rented the kayaks.
Big boat in the bay: there was a guy on the dock when I walked down to take this one, and he said that Curve of Time is an old trawler. Interesting name for it.
Surrounded by buttercups: I was surprised to see them sitting in the field digging a huge hole and their truck parked in the field. Another walker told me that she'd talked to one of them a couple of days ago when he was digging in another part of the park. He told her that they're collecting soil samples to test for carbon content. We couldn't figure out why they couldn't walk in instead of driving the truck into the field.
Elusive raven: it flew quite close over my head then landed, but it was a bit too far away to get a good shot. I've wanted to get a shot of a raven for years and I had to settle for this very cropped one.
I weeded around part of the perimeter rocks when I got home and hope to finish that job tomorrow. 

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