Mother's Day...Late.

I drove up to Kamloops today to be with Mom to celebrate a late Mother's Day..I have been in touch with her saying that I would be late and she was totally fine with it...she said something like ..'I'm not going anywhere anyways'...

Mom is now 97 and her mobility is becoming quite restricted...quite sad actually.  Growing old 'sucks'...but we all have to prepare for it..

She is holding the personal card I made for her..a picture of her on the front..and a picture on the back of a large combine machine cutting wheat on the prairies that I took on one of our trips to visit her then living brothers..

I wrote in her card that 'her heart was as big as the prairies'...she smiled and also chuckled...'that's pretty big'...

We did manage to play a game of 500 rummy ..score 500-435...I don't have to tell you who won do I???

Extra:  When I got home later this evening the smoke had rolled in from the fires up north about 700K north of is probably going to stick around for at least a couple more days..such bad air quality...climate change at work in season is about 3 months early..I was surprised to see the boats still having their Wednesday night  regatta race...

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