Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Looking up to BlowUp Art

"Ode to the lightbulb" by Theo Botschuiver ~ one of the six pieces of BlowUp Art what are exhibited in Den Haag city. 

The 6 works of art are given their unique shape by the natural element of air (blow). By using a specially coated textile, the air is stored and each work retains its robust character. If the air escapes, past the explicitly designed grilles, there is technical ingenuity what blows the air back into the works of art (up).

Art from a suitcase; in addition to the material, there is another remarkable aspect of the inflatable art objects. Because all works are made of textile, the inflatable works of art turn out to be foldable and therefore fit practically in a suitcase. This makes transporting BlowUp Art logically easy.

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