It being Monday, I finally got round to finishing the Sunday Times. A shout out to Matthew Syed for an article that went beyond the bounds of your normal Sunday Paper read. Drawing on a tweet from Tim Urban, he said: imagine human history were written in a big 1,000-page book, the Book of Humanity. Every page would cover 250 years. Recorded history doesn't start until around page 975. And on the last page, our page, the population multiplies eight-fold to 8 billion people. And also on the last page appear steamships, trains, cars, planes, submarines, spaceships, nuclear fission, DNA, computers, AI … you get the picture.
An alien reading the Book of Humanity would be mystified by how a species with the intellect to reach such thrilling heights of scientific achievement could simultaneously have a political culture thrashing about in the shallows of decadence and superficiality.
A few years ago the great biologist EO Wilson opined: "The real problem of humanity is that we have palaeolithic emotions, medieval institutions and godlike technology. And it's terrifically dangerous.”
There you go, uplifting thought for the day.
Later, over to Limekilns with JA to see how they lift in and out with their masts stepped. A most enlightening session with their bigwig, GS. So much to chew over that we had to stop off at The Olde Inn to discuss matters further.
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