Succulent treat

A dull day today, but I did actually plant something out! 

When the drive was tarmacked not long ago my neighbour, who arranged the contractor, left a small piece on a slope between the drive and my path unsurfaced. I thought then that I could plant something in it, so today I edged it with stones and planted out a tubful of Aloë striatula, a succulent from the mountains of South Africa which seems quite hardy here. I grew it at Arduaine where it flowered, but mine has yet to do so. Actually I'm out of date, as I remember that it's now called Aloiampelos striatula, just to make life a little more difficult! I hadn't taken a Blip today so popped out in the light rain for a quick shot!

Beside it I planted a large potful of another plant whose name I know perfectly well, but can't remember. No doubt I'll wake up in the middle of the night and remember the name!

The garden stairway was supposed to be finished yesterday, but it's still not quite done today. He'll be back tomorrow to finish and clear up. 

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