
By Skysea7

Yet another garden shot

Tons of recent rain followed by sun has made my garden become a virtual jungle, so I’m spending a lot of time trying to tame it.

I only planted this two years ago. It grows like a weed in hedgerows in Cornwall, so now it’s established it doesn’t need any attention. And the space it occupies means it’s a space where brambles can’t take hold.

I read today that the Queen’s funeral cost £162 million. Of course, with her great wealth she must surely have taken out one of those funeral plan insurance policies. She wouldn’t have wanted the taxpayer to pay for it would she?

I also read today that in the dodgy procurement dealings that cabinet ministers did during Covid, one company was promised a big contract but was then dropped. But they were compensated with a payment of £38million, even though they had supplied NOTHING. It’s that magic money tree again!

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