Feeling a little fragile today - reminded me of how I felt after doing an all nighter at college! My stomach felt fragile too, and I've definitely been having an invalids diet recently- things which are light like risotto and a mozzarella salad.
A trip out today with Vegan Jo - to get my dressing changed! The nurse was very impressed with the incision , very neat! Told her I had had the best surgeon as it was a bad break! It's healing nicely and I can take the new dressing off in 4 days. Vegan Jo said she can get me fresh dressing from her place of work if I still feel it needs covering.
She left me in the staff carpark whilst she got the car and I took the photo of the couple on the bench. The patch of grass in front of the houses next to the Surgery has had raised beds and fruit trees put in over the last few years - so it's a lovely place to sit.
Didn't do much for the rest of the day as still feeling weak - the exertion of getting out the house added to my weakness. It was ok bottom shuffling up and down the steps but getting back into standing wasn't as easy as it has been! Nellie called round and TaiChi walker arrived back with Oscar so we all had a bit of a chat. I'm beginning to get a little cheesed off with people telling me what they believe is good for Oscar and his behaviour. I can imagine it's rather like people telling a mother how she should be raising their child! Everyone has an opinion and they don't seem to mind sharing it with me!
I decided to cancel the girls coming round this eve and had an afternoon nap! After dinner of griddled pears on sourdough with a garlic, honey and lemon drizzle topped with pine nuts and goats cheese which had 10 mins under the grill, Sister and I watched the last of Painting with Birds on Sky Arts. A perfect bit of gentle viewing! Sister has now gone to bed and I think I will dropping off to sleep soon! I got 4 straight hours of sleep last night! My longest yet!!
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