Ode Tae Buckie

Buckfast (aka Buckie and several cruder variants) is a famous teenagers' drink in Scotland, even though it comes from a recipe from Buckfast Abbey in Devon.

Apparently 10% of the worldwide sales of Buckfast 'tonic' wine are made in Lanarkshire which is, frankly, scary. Seems to be pretty popular in West Lothian too - especially now that the school leavers are just finishing their exams.

One only has to search YouTube to see the full extent of what Buckfast can do ... I'll let you do that yourself.

I was imagining what Rabbie Burns would have had to say about Buckfast if he were around today (all my own work):

Sweet, sticky glorious brew
'Giz twa bottles mister'
Fer me and my crew
Drink o' champions
Swally it down and feel brand new

At the bus stop wi' the purple dew
Doon at the skatepark, under the bridge
Wi' a fish supper or wi' Irn Bru
Me an' my hoodies "What you starring at mate"
We'll have you

There ain't no finer liqour
Fer a Friday fight-night
A brusin' hame wrecker
"It wasnae me", "I didnae do it"
Yae nasty little fecker

We salute yae, saintly Buckfast
Rock of the corner shop sales
Leaving politicians aghast
But wan thing we ken fer sure
Buckfast gets yae F*$@ed fast

Oh, and I rediscovered the glorious 'uncyclopedia' today too. Frivolous nonsense! Here's what they have to say about Buckfast. In particluar I liked the list of famous Buckfast drinkers:

"Famous Buckfast drinkers include Oscar Wilde, Jesus, Obi Wan Kenobi, Tommy Sheridan, Indiana Jones, QUBCC, Sickboy, Gore Vidal and Captain "Howlin' Mad" Murdock (hence the name) from the A-Team"

Brilliant :-)

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LOTD: Memento's dancing droplets blip is a great capture - fab DOF. A storm in a bird bath!

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