Up to the Castle from Dorf Tirol

The Castle is quite a way beyond the lovely little village and you are warned before setting off to allow 25 minutes each way. It’s a wonderful castle with a terrific history, and it also houses the main museum of the South Tyrol. 

When I went up to the village on the bus on Monday, I thought the walk would beyond me. Today, I decided to give it a go.

I have absolutely no regrets. A marvellous building. Great insight into medieval life, customs, politics (and even torture). Helpful, if alarming, explanations of the conflicts and political sensitivities of the area.

When I had walked back down to Dorf Tirol, I rewarded myself with a lovely traditional, local lunch. 

Apparently, in the heydays of the Grand Tour, this castle was internationally thought of as one of the highlights. I am not surprised. 

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