90 F/ 32 C

We've been given a
reprieve - the wildfire smoke has
lifted for today


I was out the door at 7, greatly relieved that I could see my mountains this morning. Overnight, the smoke has drifted away. The sky is blue again. 

I drove into McArthur Island Park's east entrance noting the slough is full to the brim. Several Canada geese families were on the water. I parked near the Recreation Centre to walk back to the entrance. All the geese were gone from view. 

I walked back to my car to drive the north side taking shots of the park's flowers on my way. As I drove the loop road I spotted several Canada geese with their goslings along the Rivers trail. People walking by do not concern them at all. 

I parked by the Butterfly Garden where goslings were on parade there too. I took the bridge across the slough so I could get a shot of my mountains and have a good look into the slough. It is full and looking rather soupy. There's so much cottonwood fluff and elm confetti floating. 

I drove off to Tranquille to deliver a bag of asparagus to my painting buddy who lives out there past the airport. I caught her by surprise and in her pajamas this morning. We had a little chat on her deck in sunshine. I took a shot of her pansies by the stairs. 

I'm home for the day just playing with fabric. We're at the start of a long weekend - Victoria Day. I will avoid the traffic and the rush. 

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