Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I finally nailed the day! Other blip b-days has been a whoops! and correction the next day. This time I checked. :)

I slept rather badly last night so todays workday I wasn't really checked in... :D Besides me and a co-worker talking about Star Wars, and I needed to do a quick start on my brain when a customer wanted to ask me a question about buying a tomato plant for their balcony. I tried my best to give her advice, but when my boss came outside I quickly 'roped' her in and since she's the expert I left them to continue my chore. 
The plants I replanted on Tuesday was a mess this morning...  I have no idea what happened and it seamed as someone had come after me and continued to replant them, but also replanted those I'd already done... And some had branches broken... The most damaged ones, I took cuttings from and replanted many of them, then I had to throw away the damaged mother plants. My boss was really upset, and I understand her because the plants were ill treated and not handled with care. 
I had plans to go to my cousins apartment, but I have to do that tomorrow because I was too tired to think when I left work. After lunch I slept for a while. Hopefully I'll be less tired tomorrow and can do what I planned.
And, this afternoon, I saw a large wasp looking for somewhere to build a nest. I very much hope it left the area around my apartment alone... 

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