Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

Apprentice Arch Bridge

There's a bush track which links the Blue Mountains districts of Katoomba and Leura (where the posh folk live). On the way, one has to cross the upper reaches of Leura Falls Creek, which ultimately descends through the pretty Leura Cascades precinct and on to the magnificent Leura Falls.

Aaaaanyway, in order to cross the creek there used to be a rough and ready bridge consisting of two prostrate timber telegraph poles, held together by some timber slats and a single railing. It was all very adventurous and appealing in its own way but by 1999 the whole thing had gotten a bit rotten and ricketty. "Adventurous" had become downright "hazardous".

It was decided to replace the old crossing with a somewhat more substantial stone arch design. With the aid of grant monies, a group of stone masonary apprentices (anxious for a meaningful project to work on) was engaged to build the basic arch and retaining structures. It is known today as the "Apprentice Arch Bridge".

Incidentally, you can't half tell it is autumn.  Please go LARGE.

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