
By MrsPuff

This Way to Paradise

Today's photo is of Caroline Bay, taken from near the entrance to the carpark. I think it looks quite tropical and inviting.

Camera club was interesting last night. We had to critique portrait photos, including award winning ones from overseas!

We had competition results. They liked my gypsy caravan photo, but thought it needed cropping. And my tree photo was 'Highly Commended' ! So, it guess it didn't go so bad, after all.

I've spent the morning baking, the cookie jars are full to bursting with plain and chocolate shortbread, and my soft, chewy chocolate chip cookies. The house is full of the aroma of home baking - there's nothing quite like it!

It's sunny today, but bitterly cold, with an icy wind blowing. We had thunder, lightning, and hail last night, so I think Winter has arrived, with a vengeance!

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