Snow in Summer
I know it's difficult impossible to keep in check. I know it'll have to be brutally culled once it has flowered. I know it smothers less vigorous plants. Despite that I give it room, or rather it takes as much room as it can get, in the garden and I enjoy the starry flowers and felted foliage.
My sister arrived safely yesterday and we had a lovely afternoon in the garden. It was really quite hot. Then we had a good evening with our cousin though she had a complicated journey back to Edinburgh. Why is public transport so poor. A rant for another day. My sister and I then sat out in the garden again for sleepy time tea (that's a misnomer) before bed.
I got up early intending to make a cheesecake for tomorrow but found that I don't have all the ingredients I need. Another supermarket trip will be required. We're out and about this morning, the girls are visiting this afternoon as they love to spend time with their great auntie. Then it's pizza tonight and prep for a busy Sunday. All go here.
Thanks for the suggestions about garden vandals yesterday. Many people were in the bad squirrel camp but we really don't see them here, or rarely anyway. The grit in the planters has done some good I think and now it's up to the seedlings to get stronger.
I can't do more than glance at journals for the next few days as I'm sure you'll understand.
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