New tyre tango

No tango actually - I just like alliteration.

Noo woke up early - too early for me. I dragged myself out of bed…..eventually.

My sister reported a terrible night with my mum (Ethan had the night off but he’s been there all day!)

We 3 drove to Hailsham to get my new tyre fitted. (ZQ remained in bed - he was building up to a haircut this afternoon). I was impressed with this display of daisies on the way for a coffee whilst we waited for the tyre to be fitted.

Noo was dropped off at Oscar’s on the way home, and GravyC dropped me off for a run.

I did nod off mid afternoon, but woke to the news that my mum was being taken to hospital as an emergency. She has slept all day, continued to present as very confused, and was hypoxic - her sats were 73.

Awaiting news.

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