
Summer feels at last to have arrived. Outside, you can't hear the birds for all the lawnmowers, but that's just a Saturday in the village! My neighbour tried for no mow April and is lost somewhere in the tall grasses... I know he's still there because I can hear the petrol engine!

Janet was busy in the garden so I took myself off to the nature reserve to avoid landing any more "jester little" jobs. It was almost too hot for the wildlife, but I did encounter a group of beautiful demoiselles, and this one had just caught her lunch.

First blip totally processed and uploaded from the new MacBook Air M2 - gods, it feels a lot faster than my i9 128GB iMac. And in fettling it I realised I'd a bonus licence for Topaz AI that I'd entirely overlooked, so it's a first using that too.

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