Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Lilac time

We have an old lilac tree in the back garden and it has produced beautiful, large, lilac coloured blooms. It is now badly out of shape and may not survive many more years, but it is cheering to see it.

The white lilac, in the front garden, is younger and in better shape but the blooms are smaller.

In the garden this evening, I marvelled at the blossom on the beech trees. The blackbirds were singing and I captured one, across the road on the roof of Rose Cottage. (See extra.) I love the way they raise their heads and open their beaks as a string of glorious song burst forth. I have left an empty space in the image to allow for the song to be heard!

Di, one of the district nurses, came today and re-dressed the three wounds on Mum's legs and one arm. She is very experienced and she took time to soak off the dressings that were sticking. The wounds are doing OK. They look clean and will now take time to heal. We caught up with the progress of Di's son too. We like Di!

Sharon came to see Mum. She has agreed to do some hours of care to give Joan a break while I am away. All good.

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