
By FlyingPRGal

Flying with Jules

Today was a good day. Coffee catch up first thing with Clare and the airfield gang. It was the first meet since Clare’s mum passed away last week.

I gave Clare a bunch of lilac flowers, a daisy type little flower and freesias as I love the fragrance. She was pleased to see us all and for some normality.

Steve’s son’s fiancé works at the cafe and told me Steve has pneumonia. He is stable and hopefully due home after the weekend. Pal is staying the night with her this evening.

This afternoon I had lunch with gliding club friends in a new motoring themed pub. One of our mutual friends John was visiting from Hong Kong so it was lovely to see him.

Afterwards Jules took me on a flight to the North Kent coast in her motor glider. We flew past Faversham and Canterbury, over Herne Bay Pier then out to sea frown Whitstable turned at the wind farm and back again. It was so great to be up in the air again.

To end the afternoon I had a blast around the airfield in her WWII-themed Hotchkiss Willis Jeep. Such fun!!

5pm client phone call then home for 4 hours on zooms and emails to the US. Good news on the project so it’s all moving in the right direction.

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