Epic wedding

Had an amazing time at my friends' wedding yesterday. It was an absolute joy from start to finish. The venue was the old Victoria Baths in Manchester which was silly cool inside, all retro tiles and art deco.

My friend Laura looked like a 1940s Hollywood starlet in the most exquisite silk and lace dress with her hair pin-curled. My husband asked for permission to fancy her for the day which was duly granted. I fancied her a bit myself!

Their little boy Sam (see picture) was part of the celebrations as they announced his guardianship along with the ceremony. This made it even more emotional and I was on the edge of tears throughout.

The tables were laid out in long rows for speeches and dinner. With beautiful bunting and Chinese lanterns dancing above our heads it put me in mind of a hipster street party.
We ate pies and mash followed by tea and cakes lovingly made by all the guests.

Then my favourite part of the night was a silent disco (my first) which is quite possibly the most fun I have ever had on a dancefloor. Everyone gets a pair of headphones with three channels of music to choose from and you dance away, checking that your dancing partners have the same song on. If you pull your headphones off at any stage all you can hear is the sound of people singing (badly) along to their own personal soundtrack. Hilarious! It seems to completely liberate people too and the dancefloor was packed with flailing arms and legs as people danced with wild abandon.

An old friend Mhairi was at the wedding and we were thick as thieves all night, not leaving each other's side. My poor husband had to spend much of the night without me hovering on the periphery of the dancefloor!

Such a legendary night and one incredibly happy couple...

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