Nora's Party
I spent the morning at our Garden Club Plant Sale, it was a mad success considering that the club has 32 members, most quite aged and our able workers are about half of the membership. Most of the plants were dug by members, mainly from one member's showcase garden They grow amazing candelabra primroses and unique hostas among other amazing plants. We made $3595, but it could be our last sale, it's amazingly hard work.
I came home from the sale and we went over to Nora's little party with her cousins, aunts and uncles and a family friend. Our friend, an honorary auntie gave the present of the day, a complete princess outfit. Nora nearly jumped out of her skin when she opened the gift. On top of all the excitement, she also has two loose teeth! Hunter was sporting a fun hairstyle as well, he is a precious imp!
For the Record,
This day came in cloudy with rain in the afternoon. I'm exhausted!
All hands smiling
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