
By Martigan

From the other side?

"Got it wrong again Dad."  
On "account A" this has had centre stage a number of times. 

First, trackable entry, 22nd Mar 2009.  Probably planted when the Drive was widened by Bill in 2006, or shortly thereafter. 

I didn't realise, until now, (Galloping senility rules OK?) that I had exhibited it as recently as this, when I said :-
"I do recall, in a Blip of yonks ago, commenting that the poor wee beastie had had a previous existence of 10 yrs in a Pot prior to its "release to the wild."
1. I still have not located that earlier Blip, IF in fact it exists.
2. The question, ref: its Pensionable age still holds.

ERGO my best guesstimate of its age is ≥26 and probably ≤30yrs

Still think it's a viable proposition?

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