
By BlipCommunity

Serenity Challenge results

We are feeling very zen after looking through your entries for the Serenity challenge!

Great to see so many different countries represented, including a riverbank in Sweden, mountain and city in Japan, foggy day in Ireland, lanterns in South Korea, a quiet beach in New Zealand and a flower from the Philippines.

Water was a definite theme, with blippers finding peace by the sea (spot the dolphin), river, Scottish loch and a beautiful waterfall. Some stunning reflections have inspired us for a future challenge. Nature also a popular choice including this butterfly and some unusual garden visitors!

The month of May was bound to bring lots of lush greenery, colourful blossom, carpets of bluebells and tranquil walks in the woods. Other blippers chose to get away from it all on a run or bike ride, or simply found a quiet spot to sit and ponder.

Thank you for taking part and in no particular order, our favourites are:
- Cover picture from Inkface
- Spanish coast by WildEnglishGirl
- Unique church view by fitzbilly
- Finnish reflections from jukkakos

Looking forward to next month's challenge - more info soon.

Lindsay and Cat

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