
By rower2012

Crimson Rosella

What a day it has been. I've never had so many blip ops, and I've changed my mind at least 4 times. We are in the Grampians for a few days, and it's a very well known place for bird spotting.

Although we have a form of the Crimson Rosella (Platycercus elegans) in Adelaide, it is a sub-form, and I've never actually seen a real Crimson Rosella before, and I was blown away by their beauty. We saw them in two different locations, and the second time round I was able to get up quite close.

We've also seen and photographed emus, kangaroos, wallabies, kookaburras, sulfur crested cockatoos, wood ducks, Currawongs, not to mention magpies and a myriad of small birds, which Paladian homed in on.

Most of these animals and birds were right on our doorstep and I am sure we will see them every day.


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