At the school fair!

This is an inflatable obstacle course….inside there are various barriers and a climbing section plus a slide down. The children have to go through in one direction and could then run round to the start again and see how many times they could go through in their five minute allocated time slot! There was also a simpler bouncy castle nearby.

It was the Summer Fair for the primary school my grandchildren attend and my son and their cousin also came along. It was very well organised by the parents association and very well attended. We were there from 12-3 and were busy all the time. There was a ‘stage’ with various entertainment including the school choir, some dancing and other items by other children and staff.

Good food from outside providers and nice ice cream too.
I’m sure they made lots of money for the school and there were many parent helpers for the stalls.

They had a very good token system for playing the games on the stalls. You could use a credit card to buy tokens( paper tickets worth 50p) and the games etc varied from one token to three. There was a coconut shy, hoop the ducks  and similar.

The raffle had very good prizes contributed by local businesses, my daughter won a days Drama workshop for a child by a local provider. They also have a stall where you pay for an envelope and get an unknown prize worth double what you paid. I went for one in the Food and Drink category paying £20 and got a voucher for£40 in a local Italian restaurant which we like, result…..

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