Volunteers, part 2, day2

This was my view at breakfast, blessed. 

In extras, first non wetsuit open water swim of the year. It's not fun till it is. 

Every time I deliver the Safeguarding training I'm reminded how much I dislike it. It's triggering, it's not a course that fun can really added to, the content is hard, it fosters difficult conversations and hard realisations. It's a challenging course.
Every time I deliver the Safeguarding training I'm reminded how utterly vital it is. 

Doing it as part of a team, doing it somewhere stunning where we could take time outs, reconnect and support each other, well, it's the best way to do it. 

Its been a tough weekend for the volunteers, but they've all left even more enthused about where the journey is taking them. Me too. 

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