It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco


This is my first ever shot of a Brimstone. I should be editing only my Wales images but I couldn't resist going out to a friends garden and look for bugs. 
I didn't have much success with the super small ones today plus the garden did have a rather large abundance of ants....they did keep getting on my boots which did freak me out. I still have an ant phobia but when i have them on me I just can't deal with it so I went back to the car and swapped cameras and lens size. So I swapped to the D850 and the Nikon 200mm aka (my Butterfly Lens). I had success quite quickly which I wasn't expecting. Got my first Brimstone then an Orange tip. First Orange tip of the year and first ever Brimstone!

Extras Orange Tip and Red Ant----------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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