The weather has been lovely again today. Warm and sunny - and I had the time --- and inclination  -to do some gardening. 

Not really done any gardening for ages so there's a lot to do.  Grass at the back was too long for the mower so I used the shears. Will try and mow it in the next few days.  I cut back some ivy which was really overgrown.  Put a couple of shrubs into bigger pots.  Pulled up a lot of weeds.  In the end my green wheelie bin was full to the top.  A " good job jobbed " as my late husband used to say.

After putting my tools away I sat on the sofa with a cold drink and fell asleep for about an hour.  Back and neck were stiff when I woke up.

I spotted this spider as I was putting the garden stuff in the bin.  Nipped indoors to get my camera and luckily he was still there when I came back. 

Steps today - 8,164

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