
By joePhotography1


I love gardening, I love growing things, from onions, garlic, carrots, lettuce, beets, mint, radishes, broccoli and many more, I think my love of gardening and growing plants came from my nana, she was a great gardener and spent most of her time in the garden, she used to have me helping a lot of the time.
But now I just like growing Vegetables, simply because supermarket stuff isn't as nutritious and also there too expensive. I've been persuading friends to start growing what they like, one of my friends has taken my advice and is now growing her own food. I think it's important we start to grow our own food or a small portion of it because food is getting more expensive by the day, and the stuff in supermarkets isn't any good, there using chemicals on all the plants which were eating, it's not worth it.

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