
By cracker

A diagnosis!

So yesterday I took Spence to the doctor at 9 about his ear that kept him up crying until 10pm Sunday night. Dr Lauren (who is the lovely doctor Joti saw on Thursday) saw Spence and said his ear is inflamed but not perforated and gave me some antibiotics for him to take.

Spence seemed fine so I took him school!

I had my appointment with Dr Lauren at 2pm and she got me to have a blood test and stool sample.

I was on my way back from my 6 month check up appointment about my kidneys (which are the same, two small stones still in my kidneys but not causing any problems) today when Dr Lauren rang and said that Joti has Giardia and she doesn't have my results back yet but is presuming that I have the same!

This is sort of good news because it means that after three days of antibiotics we should be fine! Giardia is a parasite that infects your intestines and causes a bit of havoc! It can just go on its own but takes longer but sometimes your symptoms go and you are still a carrier so can infect other people.

It is generally transmitted by consuming dodgy water that an animal infected with it has pooed in! Not really sure how we got it though!

So hopefully we will both be feeling great by Friday which is when we are going away for the weekend down to the Gold Coast!

Unfortunately Kaz is all stuffed up with sinus issues and Spence's ear is playing up again tonight! We are hoping to all be feeling good by Friday!

Here is Spence on the couch tonight complaining of a sore ear!

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