We got up early today - on a Sunday! - to go to the tip. It was a beautiful day, so actually quite a pleasant drive, but the queue there was absolutely huge. I got out of the car at one point to take this photo of some poppies by the side of the road - then got back in and waited.... Until we decided to just bin it and come back another day. Bit annoying, but we were glad to gain back a couple of hours of our lives not sat in a queue.
This turned out to be quite a fitting photo, as we drove past some people setting up a memorial to mark ten years since the murder of Lee Rigby.
Had a bit of a rest when we got home, then got on with some more jobs - Tim did the last bit of cleaning and tidying in our bedroom (pulled out our chest of drawers and tackled the piles of dust behind it), and I did some more cleaning of the blinds in our kitchen. Absolutely exhausting! One of the three now looks really good, if I do say so myself - saving the others for another day though.
Shot quite a lot of Nazis after that (Sniper Elite 5 on the XBox), and had a pretty peaceful rest of the afternoon and evening.
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