
By Thepainterswife


Ivy had a fall yesterday.
In her room at the Resthome.

Broken bone near the shoulder and a lot of nasty bruising on her face.
I arrived coincidentally half an hour after it happened.
Ambulance crew were attending.
Her next of kin distant cousins wife was called in.
We followed ambulance to Urgent Care( wanted to avoid main Hospital as it’s so risky for her to be there amongst all the bugs there!)
Fast tracked through the extremely busy waiting area ( you get good service when you are 105).
X- Ray taken etc.
Back to the rest home soon after.

Staff there are looking after her now. Shoulder supported with a sling, and pain meds given regularly.

She’s a stoic little lady.

I have Ivy's  permission for this photo.
 I took it and showed her the bruising, she hadn't yet looked in a mirror ( she rarely does). She thought she looked a bit rough!
See May 17 entry for a nice pic of her.

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