
By cj308

roots and blues

Woke up nice and early this morning, with the want of something to do and nobody to want to do it with me, I decided to go for a coffee down town.

I can't say I enjoyed it too much, there was no music on in the cafe and the noise of drilling from outside was bit too much, they did eventually put music on and nearly blew the speakers, the volume was all over the place, there was no ambience to be had here, so I picked up my book and buggered off for a walk down the river.

I passed this 'art' a few weeks ago and have been meaning to pop back down and get a photo of it,I like it, it's nice and bright, there are others painted on the wall, I've posted another in my Blipfolio

Having walked around town for a while today, I came home with an overwhelming sense of lonliness, more so than usual, there's nothing here for me, I thought, having been in Kirkcaldy for the weekend, where I sepnt my formative years, realising there is nothing there for me either. These two towns in which I've spent the biggest part of my life are nothing more than a collection of memories. I'm left questioning where is home? where the heart is?

I can retrace steps, I can walk the same streets, the rain doesn't care where it lands, it just falls and blends into the land, never to be thought of again. It comes and goes as it pleases, and yet it brings out the beauty in the land despite the complaints of it's people.

ah yes, for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows, I guess I have to keep on believing, one day I'll find a flower with roots planted firmly in the ground.

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