Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Geranium Rozanne

Last night we had a very productive camera club AGM, we discussed ways to increase membership as since the lockdown years we have lost a few members. We get very good speakers who can be expensive, so we need to increase our membership to keep up the high standard of speakers. This was followed by the Movie Title theme competition, it was just a bit of fun and not a serious one. My entry for the movie Frozen can be seen in extras.

We also discussed our upcoming exhibition, which is being held in a new location for us, in a local art centre. Although the exhibition starts on 6 June, we will be hanging our framed prints on the Saturday before which is a change as we always hang them on the morning of the day it starts. We had plans to be in Norfolk that weekend as we have a sailing club supper so we have to try and sort something. I love this time of year with the longer and busier days, socially it is also a very busy time for us and unfortunately we have so many functions that are clashing this year. In the winter months we don't seem to have much on at all.

We have a lot of Geranium Rozanne in our garden, it forms an edge to the raised flower beds across the back of our garden. This is the first one that has appeared this season. They do make a very pretty show but by the end of summer I am bored with them and always threaten to pull them all out and plant something else, but they do an effective job of softening the edge of the flower bed as it meets the small retaining brick wall.

Supposedly hot and sunny today, but the wind was a bit cool. When will it be T shirt weather?

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