A fun afternoon with Luna

This afternoon I went for a walk with my friend, Luna, the Golden Retriever. I walked to her house (which took about 45 mins), I walked home from her house (which took about 45 mins) and I walked with her around all the lanes in Carbis Bay and up the Steeple(which took about 90 mins). 3 hours of walking has worn myself and my human out. 

My human sat on the sun terrace and drank 2 glasses of wine when we got home. Her plan was to go down to Porthminster Beach for a swim, but the sea was too choppy??!! I went straight into my bed for a snooze.

Luna is lovely, but she's not allowed off her lead so I couldn't really play with her.

First we went to see the goats. Mmmmmm........ the goats were behind a fence so I couldn't go chasing.
Then we walked along the lanes and some very narrow paths..................

….............And then I was very naughty. I was off my lead because I am a big grown up mature collie pup and I spotted a hen/pheasant/chicken who knows what it was? that needed chasing. I zoomed after it and I ignored Ann when she shouted, 'Trixie come'. Obviously whatever it was, flew away and as I can't fly, I came back to Ann.

And then we walked through some fields and both of us had a good roll about on our backs. Rolling on freshly cut grass is such fun. Yay! I've had a fabulous afternoon walk. Thank you Luna. xx

And in other news.............................. I wasn't feeling very well last night. At about 3am I was banging on the kitchen door with my paws so Ann came downstairs and said that I could sleep upstairs with her. I didn't want to sleep upstairs with Ann. I wanted to go out, so I banged on the front door with my paws. Ann said, 'Trixie, stop being so irratating. I am not taking you out at 3am.'
Mmmmmmmmm.............................. long story short................. when Ann came downstairs at 7.15am this morning I was lying in 'subdued Collie pup mode' on the rug and there was two splodges of diarrhea on our wooden flooring easily cleaned. Phew!!

I still don't feel that great, but I've had a lovely afternoon with Luna and I've been doing loads of running about so Ann's not too worried about me. 

I'm having snooze time on the sofa now. See extras.

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