Pen to paper

A day in front of a computer all through till we did a pre-record this evening for a livestream for the 4th when we won’t be able to do it live. Wasn’t sure I’d make any sense as had been working on so many different talks and livestreams all day - but I think I managed to remain more or less muddle free!

So, not very many photos! This was of a quick drawing I did to illustrate part of my sermon because I couldn’t find what I wanted online… I ended up doing a whole series of drawings (the main one added as an extra - not my main blip as was actually a compilation made partly on the computer with some stolen and adapted sketches so can’t really count it as a photo or completely mine so doesn’t really pass as a blip!) - probably not the best use of time in a week when I’ve got 5 talks to do… but it was more enjoyable than making a ppt and gave me a bit of a break from the screen - although each had to be photographed to put on said screen! (I had started sketching on my last day off when I was pondering ideas - so it was pretty quickly done really, I suppose - and maybe the time not looking at the screen will have saved my brain so I can keep going tomorrow!).

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