Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter


I ventured across the city to Blackrock to see 'the little man' who runs a tiny outlet in the newly refurbished shopping centre. He does key-cutting, shoe-stretching and other little jobs that very few people doe any more. He sorted out a problem with a handy little portable stool I have but couldn't do anything about stretching the toe of a sandal that's been causing me problems recently. The job he did with the stool was on a leave-it-with-me and go-and-have-a-coffee basis and cost all of €10 to put right.

Being in the neighbourhood I called over to spent some time in Carl's place. I was suitably astounded with the purple globes which had blossomed over the last ten days, admired a little glass ornament on a window sill and nosied around his little reading corner. The weather was nice enough for a short spell sitting out in the garden before returning home.

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