Every day is a winding road........

Well this is rocky road so that's close innit?

Many thanks to everyone who dropped by yesterday. I'd lost count because I knew that my first blip was 29th May so I had it in my head that today would celebrate three years. Not a problem because it's just another blip really - my reasons for blipping haven't changed much since the earlier milestones; I blip because I like having a record of where I've been and I keep going because this is a lovely community and I want to contribute to it so that I can consider myself an active member. I'm slack about commenting and blown away by those generous enough to comment on my meanderings. I know what attracts folk (trains) but I also have my own favourites - frequently shots that are not special but are a reminder of something that I did that day or somewhere I visited.

So grab a bit of rocky road and let's head out for a few more blips mes amigos. Big thanks to everyone who has joined me on the ride and shares a bit of their world on here.

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