
A gorgeous day, rather too much of it spent in the hairdresser's in Schull but the hair i snow restored and considerably shorter. 
 I stopped off enroute to check out the Ahagouna river, (river being today's Wide Wednesday challenge, thank you BobsBlips) which flows out into the estuary in Dunmanus Bay. St James Church is in the most perfect position gazing down the bay. The extra shows the view in the other direction with the original, old bridge and the white building is the school I taught in when I first came here. About 13 years ago we moved from that old damp but characterful building to a fine new one next door and the old one fell into disrepair. It's been recently bought and is undergoing a transformation I'm glad to say. Ahagouna incidentally, means Ford of the Calves which is rather nice. 

Schull was looking amazing in the sunshine, spick and span and full of bunting as the highly ambitious and highly enjoyable Fastnet Film Festival kicks off tonight. We shall swing by at some point.

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