A harvest!

I had a very busy day at work, with my first proper team meeting first thing today. I've so much more focused now the worry of Mollie's situation is lifted, or at least lessened. The meeting had a small amount of planning but i did that last week. It was quite long, but not all me talking for once! Our 'guest speaker' was Matthew, my old team leader, in his capacity as new Technical Manager and he explained what his team is doing snd how it impacts on us. A useful, but long bit of the meeting. I finished up with the rest of my agenda items in just half an hour.

A couple more chats with different people an eventually I left off at 5.40. I cycled up to the allotment while Jon cooked dinner. Picked these mange tout which I planted last autumn. I hope they mange tout anyway, rather than peas. The label had gone.

Feeling a bit off colour today. Perhaps everything is catching up with me. Excited to find a new series of The Sewing Bee started at 9. So I'm heading back to watch that now!

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