Bed Fail no 2
Oscar is stressing my eve walker out with his barking and lunging towards certain dogs he meets. He is more anxious than me and given he is twice my size I'm surprised at how nervous he is! He has spoken about using a muzzle which I feel is a bit OTT. However I don't know who else I could call upon to walk him in the eve.
As I had a disturbed night due to my leg aching I did a bit of browsing online and found a muzzle which is basically a strap over his snout which then straps behind his head. He can still eat and drink but not bark or bite!Much nicer than those caged muzzles. So I bought it! I will have to get Oscar used to wearing it around the house before he wears it out - I think he will be quite freaked out by it the first time he wants to bark at another dog. I tried a Haltie but when he went to greet a dog he knew it tightened and he was most upset- leaping around so much he actually dislodged it!
Tomorrow I have a professional dog walker coming round to meet Oscar. This sunday Nellie is hosting an event in the village hall - my sister is doing a craft workshop and both my dog walkers are running events too! So I needed to find someone. Longterm once sister goes back to Bristol I will have 4 days of walks to cover - so I'm hoping the guy will be able to cover these for me. Apparently her house insurance won't cover her spending more time away. She will need to return in 3 weeks which coincides with my X-ray at Hospital - I will then hopefully see a physio and can begin weight bearing. But walking Oscar will be at least another 6 weeks away!!
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