The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Hey Dad!

He wanted to say hi. After his fit on Sunday night he seems to have made a full recovery. Phew. He can't wait to see calendar month eh!! And the best news about that'll be here FOREVER!! No more Kathmandu commute and FaceTime, yippee!!

So, in other news. I fell down the stairs late last night. Proper fell, slid on the wooden step fourth from bottom and managed to crack my hip, back, elbow, both wrists and ankle. It really winded me and I had to lie on the floor for a little while to check I hadn't broken anything! I thought I'd cracked some ribs, they were so sore, but I'm okay. I went back to bed and slept pretty well considering. Woke up and touched everything to check for pain...neck, back and hip are really sore but I know you'll just tell me I have a low pain threshold! Wait for the bruises!

I walked the troops and went to the gym for a massage. Met Zoe for a natter then went and bought gym kit for Thursday. Came home and pottered, walked the troops again and ate tilapia. Yummy. Pan fried two minutes each side. Ate it in about two minutes too!

Now I'm off for a bath and an early night.x

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