With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Strange high cloud - the only word I know in Japanese apart from cartoon nonsense.

Washing, coffee for a rarity in the plaza, boys etc, then they were at Son Angelats for an afternoon of volleyball. I managed to combine their delivery and pickup by visiting F and catching up on the last 6 months it seems, at J and E's lovely house. Had a good poke around folks. Wonderful!

Then the boys were set to work cleaning the car, avoiding removing too much of the paintwork, caught up with Nina there and then caught up with the neighbour. Although it sounds like I have been talking all day, it really is not true, but each conversation seemed to have a flow of consequences throughout the day. It reminded me of what I have been up to these last few months. Quite a lot really.

I am hoping to have a blipmeet with pensioner tomorrow before they head to Orient, lucky things. How green is that valley.

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