Large Camas
I don’t understand where my journal has just gone, but will write it again.
We set off for Gillingshill Nature Reserve, just five miles away, but the road was blocked with roadworks, so turned off into Kellie Castle grounds. There we had a good walk along the woodland track and around the grounds in beautiful sunshine. I’ve added a collage of more wildflowers in Extra; Large camas, Common hawthorn, Midland hawthorn, and Dame’s rocket.
Home again to sit outside with a smoothie and my usual puzzles, then unusually for me, I had a nap.
Nap done, I popped along to Pathhead Nursery for compost and some plants, petunias, nepeta, and begonias. Potted them up, then removed the netting over the spinach and kale and fashioned a bird-scarer from stakes, string and CDs. Hopefully it will do the job, otherwise I will improvise.
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