Grey-headed Lapwing

Not a species one would find in your i-spy book of British birds.
The first British occurence was seen in Northumberland earlier this year and what was thought to be the same bird was then seen on the east coast of Scotland a few weeks later.
Today halfway through a walk to Scolpaig at the NW corner of North Uist, I get a message saying one had appeared on North Uist.
I did not need much encouragement to return to the car and head off to see the bird. 
There was a significant heat haze which made the photos less sharp that one would have liked - my excuse anyway - but even Tricia was impressed by the bird. I certainly was!
Breeding in NE China and Japan, it was not a bird particularly expected to be found in the UK although in 2019 a bird of this species was seen in Holland, Norway and Sweden. With one other record in Turkey in 2018, one wonders if all refer to the same bird - all the records were in May.
By the time we left there were nine cars there - a huge twitch in Uist terms!

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