The weather has been lovely today - warm and sunny.  I walked down to the village this afternoon for food shopping .Got some good " yellow sticker " bargains in Tesco.

When I got home I had a wander round the back garden looking for a Flower Friday shot.  Took a photo of the lovely Weigelia flowers you can see in my blip.  Then I stepped back to take a shot of the whole bush and next thing I knew I was falling backwards.  Ended up sitting on my backside inside the small water feature. I sat there for a moment or two hoping I wasn't hurt.  My hand was bleeding a bit but that was just because it had landed on some spiky holly leaves on the grass.   I gradually stood up and I was dripping wet from the waist down.....but unhurt.  My phone must have been flung from my hand and I found it on the path.   So I had a lucky escape - hopefully I won't feel too stiff in the morning.  When I checked my photos later on I discovered the image on the right of my blip.

Steps today - 6,254

Falls -- one.

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