A Touch of Red
Back to work today after 10 days off, and the weather, as if in sympathy, was grey and wet. I'm not sure I achieved much other than clear my in-box (mainly adverts and invitations to read white papers) and listen to a Web Broadcast about Analytics (or how the big companies use all that data they collect about you and your life!)
Returning home I noted this escapee from my neighbour's garden, an Oriental Poppy, which stood out in the gloom. It still had raindrops on its petals, and if you look closely, there is even a small bug clinging to one - so I grabbed the camera, upped the ISO (it really was gloomy) and took my shot or two. The background was desaturated to leave a hint of colour to reflect the mood of the day, allowing the Poppy to shine out in full colour.
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