On the up

Depressing to start with another cloudy morning so my idea of spending all day out on the bike felt scuppered. Instead I settled down to doing some domestic finance admin whilst keeping an eye on P’s audiologist visit. They ended up having ordered (or been sent) the wrong ear mould but we managed to work a solution out, although that then confused P and the visit was a bit tetchy by the end. So frustrating to watch, but I had a good call with the audiologist whilst he was there to help.
The sun started to emerge and I decided to make the most of it. Drove down to collect my soap from the other evening’s workshop, then left the car and did a 4 mile walk from one end of the (tide out) beach to the other, listening to Demon Copperhead book. So far it’s a bit of a depressing tale of a young boy being badly treated by life, but I’m hanging in for a while to see if it improves.
Beautiful beach walk in warm sunshine (extra) with groups of people playing rounders and volleyball, having BBQs and generally making the most of the day.
Home for a bite of supper then met L and K for a drink before the performance costume show. It was great, and nice to catch up with people and see the creativity of the students. This was a costume for Coppelia, and both it and the dancer were excellent.
The day definitely got better after a poor start!

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